School Resources
Starting a School
Making the decision to open a Lutheran school ministry is a big step, one that has the potential to transform your ministry. It’s not a decision to be made lightly, and one that takes much thought and planning. That said, this is an endeavor well worth the effort, for school ministry gives a ministry a way to directly touch and transform lives of both your own children as well as children and families from throughout your community, including many who may have no other way that the Gospel is reaching them. There are many questions to be answered in exploring this undertaking. The following information is offered as a guide to assist in the process. While this will not cover every aspect of opening a school, it is an effort to cover those matters that are of the greatest importance. You are encouraged to review this information, and then add items as you become aware of them. Please remember that you are always welcome to contact the CNH District Office any time that we might be helpful. God’s blessings to you as you undertake this important task.
School Accreditation
Lutheran schools exist to share the good news of Jesus Christ through a warm, caring environment and an excellent academic program. Accreditation guides the school through a process of self-study in order to identify what the school already does well and what it can do to become even better. Accreditation identifies a school as one committed toward fostering excellence in education. Accreditation encourages school improvement through a process of continual self study. Accreditation assures a school and its community that the school has clearly defined goals and a plan to accomplish these goals. As a district, we have partnerships through NLSA with Western Association of Schools and Colleges and Hawaii Association of Independent Schools.
Commissioned Minister Call Process
Our teachers and DCEs are the backbone of the CNH District’s ministry to children and youth. Below are resources regarding how congregations can find people to fill these important roles, recognize their contribution, or directly provide resources for teachers and DCEs.