Foundations of Lutheran Teaching
Supporting & Equipping School Professionals for Ministry in LCMS Schools ​
The California Nevada Hawaii District is launching the Foundations of Lutheran Teaching (FLT) program in the Fall of 2024. Foundations of Lutheran Teaching seeks to support and equip school professionals for ministry in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools. The FLT program offers five asynchronous online courses, each spanning eight weeks. These courses are designed for working school professionals to accommodate their busy schedules.
Our new Foundations of Lutheran Teaching program is ready for those who would like to enroll. I encourage you to consider this option for your non-Lutheran teachers, but this can be a great option for you as an administrator or director to strengthen your understanding of what we believe as Lutherans and how you and your school can be that much more effective in sharing the faith. The deadline for Fall registration is June 7. If you have questions or want more information, please contact Joel Wahlers.
Each course = eight weeks.
Spread over one school year (Aug '24 - Jun '25).
Scheduled sensibly, with the flow of school year in mind.
Practical and applicable.
Utilizing the cohort model.
No more than twice per course online together at same time.
$400 per course + one time $30 application processing fee.
Course Schedule

What Lutherans Believe and Why
Aug 19 - Oct 11

Jesus Throughout the Bible
Oct 14 - Dec 6

Teaching the Faith
Jan 6 - Feb 28

Spiritual Development of Students
Mar 3 - Apr 28

Spiritual Self Care
Apr 28 - Jun 20
Foundations of Lutheran Teaching is hosting within the Mission Training Center...
Training God's people to actively and confidently participate in God's mission through online training opportunities. Want to grow in serving your church and community? Check out Mission Training Center. Through our online platform and network of LCMS instructors you will grow in knowing what you believe and why you believe it, as well as develop a wide variety of skills to enhance your service to your church and witness in your community.