Disability Ministry Committee (DMC)
To equip the Church to reach out, include, and encourage full participation of people with disabilities and their families in the life of Christ’s Church.
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Disability Awareness Sunday - September 29, 2024
Resources - Sermons, Hymns, Bible Studies and More
Disability Ministry Committee Presentation (Mission Conference 2019)
Church Disability Ministry Contact Person Information
Church Disability Contact Person Cover Letter
Church Disability Contact Person Job Description
Disability Ministry Contact Person Program Brochure
Congregations can be served by the Disability Ministry Committee through
Information and referral

Disability Ministry Committee Board Members
Mrs. Dianne Flynn (Northern Region)
Mrs. Elaine Zimmerman (Pacific Region)
Pastoral Member
Rev. Alan Hilton (Nevada Region)
Pastoral Member
Rev. Otis Byrd (Pacific Region)
Mr. Fred Hammer
Lay Member
Mr. Art Larson (Pacific Region)
Lay Member
Miss Victoria Bodine (Southern Region)
Lay Member
Mr. David Alvis (Northern Region)
Lay Member
Mrs. Sheila Mitchell (Northern Region)​
Contact the Disability Ministry Committee
(925) 245-4000
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
The LCMS committee that addressed ministry to people with disabilities assembled a variety of resources that can be used to increase awareness in a congregational setting.
Joni and Friends
Our Mission is to communicate the Gospel and equip Christ-honoring Churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disabilities.
Church Facility Accessibility Checklist
We've Got This: Providing Respite for Families Affected by Disability*
*Click the above link to join the Irresistible Church: Please join us for unlimited access to free books and other valuable resources. Membership is free and includes all privileges! We promise to never spam.
AbleLight (formerly Bethesda Lutheran Communities)
To enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Disability Ministry Curriculum Resources
Specific Ministries: Respite Events, accessible church facilities, enhanced sound system and spaces for wheelchair users in the sanctuary, disabled parking places, integration of children and adults with disabilities into age appropriate programs, partner church with Joni and Friends.
Specific Ministries: Outreach to residents at Bethesda Homes
Specific Ministries: Disabled parking spaces; accessible church facilities; transportation assistance; enhanced sound system in sanctuary; Sunday Bible class for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities; Individual Religious Plan (IRP) for people with disabilities which includes confirmation and communion; shut-in ministry; devotional materials printed, collated, and shipped to groups and individuals requesting them; mental health presentations; Disability Ministry Committee. revtzb@comcast.net
Specific Ministries: Parking spaces for people with disabilities; accessible church facilities with ramps leading to any raised doorways; and spaces in the sanctuary for people using wheelchairs, walkers, scooters or crutches. Large family restroom with grab-bars that is accessible for people using wheelchairs and walkers.
Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit, San Francisco
Specific Ministries: Sunny Paths Special Needs Camp, an annual camp for children with special needs (third and fourth week in July), and quarterly respite events. Physical layout includes disabled parking, accessible restrooms, seating for wheelchair users, and level access to the altar.
Specific Ministries: Good Shepherd Family, connecting adults with disabilities to Christ, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Saturdays for the month – 12 pm – 3 pm. Physical layout includes disabled parking, accessible restrooms, level access to the sanctuary, seating for wheelchair users, and level access to the altar for communion.
Accessible church facilities, spaces for wheelchair users in the sanctuary, disabled parking places.
Outcome statements
To equip the Church to reach out, include, and encourage full participation of people with disabilities and their families in the life of Christ’s Church.
To achieve this mission, the DMC has adopted the following priorities and outcome statements:
Research. The DMC will analyze data derived from its target audience, identifying needs and opportunities for Gospel-based ministry.
Referral. The DMC will develop a resource database of speakers and media pertaining to disability ministry in order to connect congregations to appropriate resources.
Advocate. The DMC will make presentations to groups in order to develop disability awareness.
Network. The DMC will facilitate the sharing of disability ministry experiences, education and best practices among the churches through its website and blog.