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Disability Awareness Sunday set for September 29

Updated: Aug 28

Disability Ministry is as much about making people feel comfortable and welcoming to people

with disabilities as it is about removing physical barriers. This does not need to be “one more

ministry” to reach out to another group of people to meet their needs, but rather a gradual

process of teaching congregations the needs of people with disabilities. This may or may not

require a disability ministry committee, though this encourages an intentional ministry, but a

change in culture of how people with disabilities should be welcomed. This is an awareness that

crosses all committees and ministries, from the board of elders to community ministries to

Sunday School classes and more. It crosses all social groups, whether by ethnicity, by

economic status, or by age. As members of our congregations age, they acquire disabilities that

need to be accommodated so that they can continue to share in fellowship with other members

of the congregation.

The mission of the Disability Ministry Committee is: “To equip the Church to reach out,

include, and encourage full participation of people with disabilities and their families in

the life of Christ’s Church.

Disability Awareness Sunday

The CNH District president's office has designated Sunday, September 29 as Disability Awareness Sunday in our district. This is in support of the Disability Ministry Committee. We encourage congregations to raise awareness of and reach out to people impacted by disabilities. The Disability Committee has developed resources to assist in your planning, such as songs, Scripture readings, prayers, Bible studies, etc. Those resources are available here.

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