Need help with Salary Guidelines, the Call Process, Church Governance, Loan Forgiveness or other financial questions? We have resoureces here to help! (Read More)

Prayer Requests are collected from around our district and includes speical prayers for for our chruches and schools. (Read More)
You can stay up to date on the current calls and vacancies in the CNH District. (Read More)

The CNH District has built a library of trainings and webinars focused on growth and encouragement in your mission field. We also have a collection of pre-recorded sermons to use. (Read More)
One of the five overall goals of the CNH District is to enhance Worker Wellness. As a District, we should all be involved in supporting one another to this end. (Read More)
Stay up-to-date on the latest job openings at our CNH District Schools and Churches. (Read More)
Looking to start a school? In need of education related resources? Visit the school resources page (Read More)
Training God's people to actively and confidently participate in God's mission through online training opportunities. Want to grow in serving your church and community? Check out Mission Training Center. Through our online platform and network of LCMS instructors you will grow in knowing what you believe and why you believe it, as well as develop a wide variety of skills to enhance your service to your church and witness in your community.