2025 LCMS National Youth Gathering (Registration Coming in October)
Next Generation
Children, Youth, Students, and Young Adult Ministry
LCMS Youth Ministry Services
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Youth Ministry faithfully leads, serves, resources and networks youth and adults — working through LCMS districts and congregations — with Christ and His gifts at the heart and center of everything.
LCMS youthESource
The youthESource exists to provide Jesus-centered resources for those at work with youth in the Lutheran congregation and beyond. New resources, articles and blog posts are added every week.
LCMS Youth Servant Events
LCMS Servant Events provide opportunities for Christian service to the Church and world. They include personal Bible study, group building, and connection with other Christian youth. They give youth a chance to live what they believe by relating acts of service to daily life. They take youth out of their comfort zone and into the reality of others. They give youth the desire to share their love of Christ with the people of the world.
National Association of Directors of Christian Education (NADCE)
We are the professional organization for Directors of Christian Education in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and other church professionals who are responsible for the faith formation of children, youth and adults, and are serving in local parishes, districts, universities, and other ministry settings. Our Mission is to support and promote Christian Education by providing advocacy, professional connections, and resources for Directors of Christian Education. NADCE WEBSITE