Campus Ministries
California State University Chico/Butte College
Students at Chico State and Butte College are invited to Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chico, CA for spiritual care and fellowship. At Redeemer, students are provided with weekly Divine Services and Bible studies, plus monthly campus ministry meetings and studies, which include a meal. Students also have access to pastoral care and are supported by the congregation as a church family. Transportation is available. For more information, visit the church's website or email Pastor Brennan DeForest.
Stanford University
Campus ministry at Stanford University is provided by Trinity Lutheran Church, Palo Alto, CA. The ministry includes welcoming students to worship at Trinity, on-campus Bible studies, and weekend retreats. Trinity is a member of LCMS-U. For more information, please contact Rev. Stewart Crown.
University of California, Santa Cruz
Lutheran Campus Ministry @UCSC – we exist to enrich each person’s journey of faith through study and through experience. We currently offer Zoom Bible studies, and worship opportunities. We also are hosting Final Study Hall with free WiFi and snacks/dinners the weekend before finals. We have an active Chinese Language Christian fellowship. We also host Dinner Fellowships for spiritual expression; and hikes, day trips, community service, and environmental activism to expand our horizons.
​Messiah Lutheran, 801 High St., Santa Cruz CA 95060
Pastor Rick Rice, 831-423-8330
Pastor Freeman Li
Cal Poly University and Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo
Campus ministry at Cuesta College and Cal Poly University at San Luis Obispo is provided through Zion Lutheran Church, San Luis Obispo, CA. The congregation provides a Christian growth environment for students through Christian growth training and bringing the students into a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. The college ministry offers leadership opportunities, outreach events, a closer personal relationship with Zion members, an active student group with a strong sense of group spirit and cohesiveness. It offers retreats, weekly Bible study and group meetings with a home-cooked meal, WOW week on campus, and participation as adults in Zion’s congregation and community activities. The group is a member of Lutheran Student Fellowship.
For more information, please contact Rev. Aleksandr von Schmidt or DCE Andrew Kaufmann.