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St. John’s Napa Commissions and Installs two Colloquy Graduates

Updated: Jun 21, 2024

Congratulations on the Commissioning and Installation on June 2 of Joy Dahl and Justine Rollin as Called teachers of St. John’s Lutheran School in Napa, California.  They are now Commissioned Ministers of Religion of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. They have been working toward this recognition for the past couple of years, and we celebrate with them their completion. To be a Commissioned Teacher of the LCMS is analogous to ordination for pastors. It’s a declaration by the church body that this person is fit as a teacher of the faith and an example of living faith. Installation means that St. John’s Lutheran Church has Called them as teaching ministers of their congregation. 

Both teachers have been at St. John’s for a number of years.  Joy Dahl first came to St. John’s as a 3-year-old preschool student, then came back as a preschool teacher before becoming the Preschool Director.  Justine Rollin first came to St. John’s from a local Catholic school, eventually becoming a Lutheran and member of the church.  St. John’s currently has five teachers who have gone through the Colloquy process.  Many of our District ministries are finding that this is the best avenue to having Called teachers serving in their schools due to the shortage of rostered teachers in the LCMS.

Colloquy is a program of theological study aimed at Lutheran teachers, administrators, and other Lutheran church workers who have not previously had the opportunity to formally study Lutheran doctrine.

For more information about the Colloquy process please visit:

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