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Writer's pictureCNH District

2024 LWML District Convention

Gifted to Serve by God's Grace

​April 19-21, 2024

Holiday Inn Convention Hotel

1900 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA 96002

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 

1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In less than two months we will be gathered together in Redding at our LWML CNH 2024 convention. We will be enjoying worship, bible study, mission speakers, great music, tasty food, and fellowship with the wonderful women of the LWML. I am excited to see all of you!

If you have not yet registered, please click here or go to the website at and print the registration form. Complete both pages of the form and mail it in with a check for $85.00 to cover registration, plus the cost for the meals you wish to purchase.

The early registration discounted price of $85.00 is available if postmarked by 3/29/2024. Hotel

accommodation must be arranged directly with the Holiday Inn (530) 221 7500.

NOTE: If you are serving as your group’s delegate, please remember voting on the Mission

Grants will be done online prior to the convention. Keep an eye out for the email containing the

date and time of the voting for the Mission Grants. All other voting will take place on Friday

afternoon, April 19, in the Palomino/Appaloosa Rooms at 3:15 - 4:30 PM. All voting will be

done electronically, so make sure to bring your phone, tablet, or laptop to enter your votes.

Praying for safe travel for all of you.

In Christ,

Roxan Schwab

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